
Poetry and Music

Wednesday, February 10

Salve Nocte


Running through a dust cloud
innocuously arrogant,
she would play;
and she would play with brittle,
the most brittle subjects;
demons tumbling around her
she possessed all the keys;
immortal virgin,
immortal child.
there was a sense that time need not be wasted;
that these brittle things
 if not broken,
must be placed well.
There was no such thing
as something too hard
for the free and idle mind,
for a child's genius,
to face;
and there were many demons to meet,
dimensions to run through;
shattering them
in splashing of burst bubbles,
sending ripples far,
turning and turning,
folding force,
wielding power;
as only a child of five can.


the secret of force involving the mind;
the responsibility, is to absorb well:
fold the blow, soft or hard;
let no violence be greater than your strength child.

The lesson of such so far,
is a gauntlet hitting hard,
challenging play:
there, where we are Fate's subjects,
one cannot be arrogant with them.

impudence will darken the cloud,
impatience does not bode well;
there outside of your mind
where the other side you meet
of that door revealing us: Fate's.. Flotsam .. Subjects .

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