
Poetry and Music

Wednesday, March 3


i would not seek to ease hunger with religion, nor
with zealots pandering their beliefs and
treading tribal soil to dust
in the name of their god
their nation and
their map;
no, that makes one hungrier;
that seems to kill philosophy
for there is no-one listening
unless they are humble
and acknowledge their complicity.
It is easy from here to feel humbled
if not awed by your spirit;
by your spirits.

Your doctors
even those with claws fingering entrails
for oracle
are more civilized
than those who sterilize,
who come to them for healing.

i can only seek to ease hunger with words
and i am a zealot
until i am there
living, and sharing
more than just distant philosophies
or the few righteous
mawkish sentiments
from this distance.

i see you,
your symbol,
on my street,
and its hard here too
if you're born on the wrong side
of somebody's ambition.
i cannot feed anyone
with anything but hope
which may reach across distances,
whispering through the quieter airs.

My every decision
is the only gesture i have
which counts today
and maybe that would be enough
one day, for someone,
perhaps you.

i wish for you
that death be seen as a gift,
for it is.

i wish for you
the Elysium
the symbiosis
of traditional wisdoms
which should,
could have lasted,
perhaps has.

i wish for you
the poets of your culture
to be heard.

i wish for you
the colours of your people
to be seen
for what they are,
utterly beautiful.

i wish for you
the dream of your land
to be ubiquitous,
of all the land
to be free.

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